Visual Budget FAQ

Visual Budget


Purchase & App Store

Is the application free of charge?

Downloading the application from the App Store is free, but you will only be able to create 50 transactions per account (iOS & Mac versions) or 10 transactions (Android version). This will allow you to try the application and see for yourself if it fits your needs.

When creating the 51th transaction, you will be given the opportunity to purchase an In-App Purchase in order to remove this limit. If you decide to make this purchase, you will then be able to create as many transactions as you wish.

How can I become familiar with the application?

Installing the application will also create some fictitious but realistic data: one account with a few transactions.

You will then be able to browse all the views of Visual Budget, and alter these data as you wish. You will quickly learn how to use the application and its possibilities.

Once you no longer need this sample account, you can of course delete it from the application.

How can I restore my In-App Purchase?

If you lose your in-app purchase because the app was accidentally deleted (or install it on another device), or if you had to restore your device without a backup, the application won’t recognize your first in-app purchase but you are able to unlock it again for free.

iOS & Android : Select the Settings tab, tap the Settings button, tap the “Restore in-app purchase” button.

Mac : menu > Purchase > Restore In-App Purchase


Important note: make sure that your device is connected to the iTunes or Google account you used for the first in-app purchase.

Your in-app purchase will be restored, and you won’t be charged again.

More information about restoring iOS in-app purchases at:

Possible errors when making in-app purchases:

Error messages: “In-app purchases are currently disabled.” or “There was an error purchasing this item, please try again.”

Check the following items:

  • iOS: in-app purchases are enabled (iOS Settings, General, Restrictions, In-app purchase)
  • your Internet connection is OK
  • you are properly connected to your iTunes or Google Play account (iOS: iOS Settings, iTunes Store and App Store, Apple ID, Android: Play Store, Settings, Account), and your credit card details are valid.
  • reboot your device and retry

if there seems to be nothing wrong with your iTunes account, contact the Apple Express Lane at:


Accounts Tab

How can I manage accounts and account groups?

By default, the application comes with two accounts. Each account can be found under one group:

  • Account #1 (in group #1), which you can rename according to your needs and use to keep track of your transactions
  • Example account (in example group), which you can use to become familiar with the application, then delete.

Visual Budget allows you to manage several accounts simultaneously and sort them into different groups.

You can, for instance, create a group for yourself, and use it for your current account and your savings account. You can create other groups for other people or entities and use them for their respective accounts.

Account balances are then consolidated for each account group, and each account has a specific set of expense/income categories.

How can I create an account or an account group?

Select the Accounts tab. Hit the “+” button and choose whether you want to create an account or an account group.

An account group allows you to group different accounts together (for example, all the accounts for one person) and to check its global balance.

You can, for example, create a group for your own accounts and another one to manage someone else’s accounts, those of an organization, etc.

Once the account is created, you can enter its details:

  • associated account group
  • name and number
  • if you want the transactions to be automatically checked off (so you won’t have to do it manually)
  • initial balance (i.e. its balance before you enter the first transaction)
  • monthly/annual global budget for income and expenses (optional)
  • specific categories (optional)

How can I select an account?

iOS & Android: select the Accounts tab, then tick the box corresponding to the account you want to use.

Mac: select the account you want to use in the left frame (account list).

By default, the information related to this account will now be displayed in the other tabs of the application (Transactions, Categories, Overview) and all the transactions you create will be linked to it.

How can I delete an account or an account group?

Select the Accounts tab.

iOS: hit the Edit button, then the red sign to the right of the account/account group you want to delete, and confirm the deletion.

Android: make a long-press gesture on the account or account group you want to delete, and confirm the deletion.

Mac: select the account you want to delete, hit the Minus button, and confirm deletion.

Note: Confirming the deletion of an account will also delete all the transactions linked to that particular account.

For security reasons:

  • you can’t delete the account currently selected (checked in the Accounts list). You first have to select a different account before deleting the one currently in use. So you have to select another account “B” before deleting an account “A”.
  • you can’t delete an account group that still contains accounts. You first have to delete all the group’s accounts before being able to delete it.

How can I change the currency?

When you create an Account Group, its currency is defaulted to your country setting (iOS: Settings app > General > International > Region Format, Mac: Preferences app, Language & Text, Region).

To change the Account Group currency in the app:

  • select the Accounts tab,
  • select the Account Group of your account,
  • select the currency you want.

It will apply for all accounts that belong to this Account Group.

Transactions Tab

How can I manually add a transaction?

Select the Transactions tab, then hit the “+” button.

The category list of the current account is displayed, which allows you to pick a category for the transaction (for example “Books, CDs”).

You can then enter the details of the transaction:

  • date (the current date by default)
  • name (optional)
  • amount and direction (credit or debit, by default the one preset for the category)
  • means of payment (optional)
  • if the transaction is checked off (see the chapter on checking off transactions for more information)
  • picture (optional)

The transaction is validated once you tap the “OK” button.

How can I modify or delete a transaction?

Select the Transactions tab.

iOS & Android: to modify a transaction, select it in the list, modify it and validate the modification.

Mac OS: to modify a transaction, double-click it in the list, modify it and validate the modification

To delete a transaction:

iOS: hit the ‘Edit’ button, tap on the red sign to the right of the transaction you wish to delete, then validate the deletion.

Android: make a long-press gesture on the transaction you want to delete, and confirm the deletion.

Mac: select the transaction you want to delete, hit the Minus button, and confirm deletion.

How can I register a refund?

If you get a refund for an item you purchased, you should input the refund transaction in the same category as the payment transaction and simply reverse the direction of the payment (credit instead of debit).

This refund will thus be deducted from your expenses under this category, and your budget and category total will still be consistent.

How can I search for a transaction?

Select the Transactions tab, then select your search criterion in the search bar at the top of the list.

These are the available search criteria:

  • transaction date
  • transaction amount
  • transaction name
  • category name
  • means of payment

The transaction list will then only display the transactions matching the criterion you entered.

How can I reconcile transactions?

Reconciling transactions will allow you to know precisely which ones appear in your bank account, and if necessary, easily retrieve the transactions you created in the application which are still to be processed by your bank or transactions you forgot to enter in the app.

iOS & Android: select the Overview tab, then the “To be Verified / Not Reconciled”,

Mac: select the Reconciling tab.

It displays the list of transactions that are still to be reconciled.

From there, you can automatically reconcile all these transactions by tapping the “ Reconc. All” button and confirming, or you can reconcile transactions one by one by ticking the corresponding boxes (ticking the box once again will reconcile the transaction).

You can also uncheck a transaction by selecting it in the Transactions tab and modifying its “Bank reconciling” value.

If you do not need to reconcile transactions, simply activate the Default Reconciling option in the Account detailed view. The transactions you will create will then be reconciled by default, and the “To be Verified / Not Reconciled” list will remain empty.

More information about Bank Reconciliation”:

How can I define a recurring transaction?

You can create recurring transactions, like a monthly Internet subscription for example. The application will automatically generate future instances without any further action on your part.

iOS & Android: select the Overview tab, then hit the “Recurring Transactions / Define” label before tapping the “+” button.

Mac: select the Recurring Transactions tab.

It will display the list of recurring transactions for the current account. Hit the “+” button to create a new one.

Select the transaction category (“Phone subscription” for example), then complete its details:

  • date (the following day by default)
  • end date (also the following day by default)
  • frequency (weekly, monthly, etc.)
  • name (optional)
  • amount and direction (credit or debit, by default the one preset for the category)
  • means of payment (optional)

The transaction is validated once you tap the “OK” button.

You can check your planning by selecting the “Recurring transactions / Future instances” label, which will display all the “single” transactions created based on the recurring transactions you defined.

How are recurring and future transactions displayed in the application?

In the transactions lists, future transactions (whether recurring or manually created) are displayed on a grey background.

These transactions must satisfy the following requirements to appear in the list of future operations.

1) Transactions tab:

  • future instances of recurring transactions are only displayed up to the end of the current month (in order to avoid having too many future recurring transactions at the top of the list. You can change that via the App Settings panel).
  • all manually created future transactions are displayed.

2) Overview tab:

  • “Categories & Budget” view: all manually created future transactions are taken into account. (but not recurring ones).
  • “Future Transactions” view: all manually created future transactions are displayed here, and future instances of recurring transactions up to the next year.
  • “ Transactions by day/month” view: all future transactions (whether recurring or manually created) are displayed here.
  • “Balance change” graph: future instances of recurring transactions up to the end of the current month and all manually created future transactions are taken into account.
  • “Balance per month” graph: no future transactions (whether recurring or manually created) are taken into account.
  • “Balance per date” graph: all future transactions (whether recurring or manually created) are taken into account.
  • “Monthly Evolution” graph: no future transactions (whether recurring or manually created) are taken into account.

Important notes:

  • defining a recurring transaction will lead to the automatic creation of real transactions every time a due date is reached.
  • you have then the opportunity to edit the transaction, for example if the amount of money differs from the one predefined in the recurring transaction.
  • as long as the due date isn’t reached, the application displays recurring transactions as future transactions.

How can I manually create a single transfer operation between two accounts?

Select the Transactions tab, then hit the “+” button.

The category list of the current account is displayed: select the relevant category (transfer to/from this account).

All you have to do then is enter the details of the transaction as you would for a normal one.

Select the “Offset Account” label, then the account from the application that will be used to offset credit/debit.

Validate your transaction by hitting OK and indicate whether you want the “mirror” transaction to be automatically created for the other account.

How can I manually create a recurring transfer operation between two accounts?

To define a recurring transfer between two different accounts, you have to create this recurrent transfer twice (i.e. one recurring transfer for each of your accounts).

For example, if you plan to transfer $1000 each month, from account A to account B, each month: 

  • select your “A” account
  • create a recurring transaction (transfert/sent), $1000, each month
  • select your “B” account
  • create a recurring transaction (transfert/received), $1000, same start/end dates and same repeating criteria

How can I add a picture to a transaction?

You can link a picture to a transaction, such as its digitized invoice.

First, select the transaction. In the detailed view, hit the Picture label.

iOS & Android: Select the camera icon then take the picture, or select the folder icon and choose the picture you want to add.

Mac: hit the Photo button, select any image or PDF file.

The picture is then linked to the transaction. Should you wish to modify it, you simply have to delete it and add a new one.

How can I delete the picture associated with a transaction?

In the detailed transaction view, hit the Picture label. The picture is displayed in full screen. Hit the Delete button and confirm the deletion.

How can I add transactions by importing a CSV file?

Your CSV file can be of two types:


the decimal separator is a period and the field separator is a comma

other countries:

the decimal separator is a comma and the field separator is a semicolon

1. Create an “transactions.csv” file formatted as follows (one row for each transaction, 5 different fields per row):

  • category name (if this category doesn’t exist, it will be automatically created)
  • date (YYYYMMDD format)
  • short description
  • amount of money, signed (negative for an expense, positive for an income)
  • means of payment (cash, check, etc., will be automatically created if doesn’t exist)

Example of a valid CSV file (2 transactions performed in May 2011):




2. Connect your device to iTunes on your computer

3. In iTunes, select your target device (below Devices), and click on the “Apps” tab

4. Below File Sharing, in the list on the left, select Visual Budget

5. Click on ‘Add’ in the list on the right

6. In the displayed window, select the “transactions.csv” file you created in step 1 (see above)

7. The file is transferred to your device

8. On your target device, select the Settings tab, Settings, Database Management

9. Select “Import a CSV File”

10. Select the bank account for which you want to run the import and hit the ‘Import file’ button

11. If errors are detected in your file, an information message will be displayed and the import will not run. You will have to correct your file and re-import it.


2. copy your « transactions.csv » file in the /mnt/sdcard/data/VisualBudget folder (note: the data/VisualBudget folder may be outside of the /mnt/sdcard folder, depending on the device type) of your Android device. The file is transferred to your device.

3. On your device, select the Settings tab, Database

4. Select “Import Transactions CSV File”

5. Select the bank account for which you want to run the import and hit the ‘Import file’ button

6. If errors are detected in your file, an information message will be displayed and the import will not run. You will have to correct your file and re-import it.


2. menu Database > CSV File Import

3. select the CSV file you want to import and click the Open button. The file is imported to the currently selected account.

4. If errors are detected in your file, an information message will be displayed and the import will not run. You will have to correct your file and re-import it.

How can I add transactions by importing an OFX file?

Your bank can provide you with OFX files that hold all the transactions performed in your bank account during a defined period.


  1. Connect your device to iTunes on your computer
  2. In iTunes, select your target device (below Devices), and click on the “Apps” tab
  3. Below File Sharing, in the list on the left, select Visual Budget
  4. Click on ‘Add’ in the list on the right
  5. In the displayed window, your OFX file
  6. The file is transferred to your device
  7. On your target device, select the Settings tab, Settings, Database Management
  8. Select “Import an OFX File”
  9. Select the bank account for which you want to run the import and hit the ‘Import file’ button’. Check the characteristics of the file and validate the import.
  10. If errors are detected in your file, an information message will be displayed and the import will not run. You will have to correct your file and re-import it.


  1. copy your OFX file in the /mnt/sdcard/data/VisualBudget folder (note: the data/VisualBudget folder may be outside of the /mnt/sdcard folder, depending on the device type) of your Android device. The file is transferred to your device.
  2. On your device, select the Settings tab, Database
  3. Select “Import an OFX File”
  4. Select the bank account for which you want to run the import and hit the ‘Import file’ button
  5. If errors are detected in your file, an information message will be displayed and the import will not run. You will have to correct your file and re-import it.


1. menu Database > OFX File Import

2. select the OFX file you want to import and click the Open button. The file is imported to the currently selected account.

3. If errors are detected in your file, an information message will be displayed and the import will not run. You will have to correct your file and re-import it.

OFX files hold no category-related information, the transactions created by importing an OFX file will thus be associated with the “No category” category by default.

To easily retrieve and edit them, hit the ‘Transactions with no category’ label in the Overview tab, and associate them with a category.

Means of Payment

How can I create/update a means of payment?

The default means of payment featured in the application are the following: transfer, cash, check, debit/credit card, other.

These means of payment are common to all accounts. If you wish to create new ones:

iOS & Android: select the Settings tab, hit the “Settings” button then the “Means of payment” label.

Mac: Menu VisualBudget > Preferences > select the Means of Payments tab.

Hit the “+” button to create a new means of payment, which will then be available when creating or modifying a transaction.

How can I delete a means of payment?

To delete a means of payment:

iOS & Android: select the Settings tab, hit the “Settings” button then the “Means of payment” label.

iOS: hit the Edit button, then the red sign right next to the means of payment you want to delete and validate the deletion.

Android: make a long-press gesture on the means of payment you want to delete, and confirm the deletion.

Mac: Menu VisualBudget > Preferences > select the Means of Payments tab.

Mac: select the means of payment you want to delete, hit the Minus button, and confirm deletion.

You cannot delete a means of payment if it is linked to at least one transaction.

How can I default a means of payment?

If you often use the same means of payment, you may want to declare it as a default value.

Thus, it is automatically selected when you add a new transaction.

iOS & Android: select the Settings tab, hit the “Settings” button then the “Means of payment” label.

Mac: Menu VisualBudget > Preferences > select the Means of Payments tab

Select the means of payment to be defaulted, and set its switch to On.

Categories Tab

How do the categories work?

When you create a new bank account, a standard expense/income category system is created. It is fit for standard use with a personal bank account.

Each category can be divided into sub-categories, which enables you to analyze your budget more accurately.

The Categories tab allows you to quickly access these categories. Tapping the gray triangle next to a category name will display or hide its sub-categories. Tapping the blue chevron to the right of the category name will, on the other hand, display the details of the category.

You can modify the organization of the standard model as you wish, and customize it to fit your needs for each one of your accounts.

How can I add a category?

Select the Categories tab

Enter the name of the category and its description if necessary.

You will then have to input the details of that category:

  • Parent Category (if the category you are creating is in fact a sub-category)
  • Icon (if you are creating a Parent Category)
  • Type (credit or debit, if you are creating a Parent Category)
  • Global budget (monthly or annual, optional)

Then validate by hitting the OK button.

How can I modify or delete a category?

Select the Categories tab.

iOS & Android: to modify a category, simply select it in the list, modify it and validate the modification.

Mac OS: to modify a category, double-click it in the list, modify it and validate the modification

To delete a category:

iOS: hit the Edit button, then the red sign right next to the category you want to delete and validate the deletion.

Android: make a long-press gesture on the category you want to delete, and confirm the deletion.

Mac: select the category you want to delete, hit the Minus button, and confirm deletion.

When you delete a category, the transactions associated with it are not deleted but reallocated to the “No category” category.

Overview Tab

How does the Overview tab work?

This tab enables you to visualize all the consolidated information regarding the current account:

  • diagram showing changes in balance
  • diagram showing breakdown of transactions, per month or year and for each expense or income category
  • diagram showing budget monitoring, per month or year

It also gives you access to lists and specific functionalities:

  • consult the list of transactions with ‘No category’ (so that you can associate them with a category) (iOS & Android only)
  • consult the list of unchecked (not reconciled) transactions (so you can check them off)
  • define recurring transactions (iOS & Android only)
  • consult the list of planned transactions (recurring transactions and transactions you registered in advance) (iOS & Android only)

iOS & Mac: saving and transferring data to another device

iOS: How can I save the application data?

Application data backup is a built-in feature of your iPhone-iPad and iTunes, as long as you regularly synchronize your device with iTunes on your PC or Mac.

At the beginning of the syncing process, iTunes saves the following data from your device:

  • Contacts and Contact favorites
  • App Store Application data
  • Application settings, preferences and data
  • Music, videos, photos, etc.

When you change your device, or even with your current device, you are able to restore that backup with iTunes. You will thus be able to retrieve all the data and content saved during the last syncing.

For more information about backup saving and restoring, please visit:

You can also use the “iTunes Database export” feature (see below) to run an individual backup of your application data. Be careful to properly save the “Database_Export.db” file on your PC or Mac.

Mac: How can I save the application data?

We recommend you to backup your app data frequently.

You can do so using the Menu Database > Export Database to File option. You can then save your database file on any support (your Mac, an USB key, etc).

You will thus be able to restore your app data using the Menu Database > Import Database from File option.

iCloud: How can I transfer my application database to another device?

With a valid iCloud account, you can export your application database from your device to another device (iPhone, iPad or Mac) using the same iCloud account.

A) From your source device (device A):

  • iOS:
    1. Select the Settings tab, Settings, Database Management, Import Export.
    2. Select “iCloud – Export Database”.
  • Mac:
    1. Menu “Database – Export Database to iCloud”

B) From your target device (device B):

  • iOS:
    1. Select the Settings tab, Settings, Database Management, Import Export.
    2. Select “iCloud – Import Database”. Check that the date and time correspond to the file you exported from device A.
    3. Just confirm the import by clicking on “Yes/OK” in order to replace the former database of device B by the one just transferred from device A.
  • Mac:
    1. Menu “Database – Import Database from iCloud”.
    2. Just confirm the import by clicking on “Yes/OK” in order to replace the former database of device B by the one just transferred from device A.

Once finished, device B contains exactly the same app data as device A.

Note 1: iCloud sync may take several minutes to complete, especially when data size is large and Internet connection, slow.

Note 2: if you have just installed and launched the app on device B, you are advised to wait a few minutes for the app to sync with iCloud, before exporting your data from device A.

File Transfer: How can I transfer my database to another device?

This process will allow you to export your application database from one device (iPhone, iPad, Mac) to another device (iPhone, iPad, Mac).

A.1) From your iOS source device (device A):

  1. select the Settings tab, Settings, Database Management, iTunes File Sharing
  2. select “iTunes File Sharing / Export Database”
  3. connect your source device to your computer
  4. in iTunes, select the device (below Devices), and click on the “Apps” button.
  5. below “File Sharing” from the list on the left, select the application
  6. from the list on the right, select the “Database_Export.db” file and click on “Save to”.
  7. in the window that appears, select the destination where you want to save the file, and click Choose.

A.2) From your Mac source device (device A):

  1. Menu Database > Export Database to File
  2. Save this file on any support (your Mac, an USB key, etc).

B.1) To your iOS target device (device B):

  1. connect your device to your computer
  2. in iTunes, select your target device (below Devices), and click the “Apps” button.
  3. Below File Sharing, in the list on the left, select the application
  4. Click on ‘Add’ in the list on the right
  5. in the window that appears, select the the “Database_Export.db” file you saved in step A.6 (see above).
  6. the file is transferred to your device.
  7. on your target device, select the Settings tab, Settings, Database Management, iTunes File Sharing
  8. select “iTunes File Sharing / Import Database”
  9. Just confirm the import by clicking on “Yes” in order to replace the former database by the one just transferred.

B.2) To your Mac target device (device B):

  1. Menu Database > Import Database from File
  2. Select the file you exported from your source device (see below, step A1-6 or A2-2), and validate the import

Once finished, device B contains exactly the same data as device A.

Note 1: the Export feature can be used to back up your app database: in this case, select the ‘Database_Export.db’ file in iTunes (iOS) or from your Mac, and click on ‘Save to’ to back it up on the chosen support (hard disk, USB storage, etc.).

Note 2: another way to back up your device is to Sync it with iTunes (iOS only).