Stock Control FAQ

Stock Control


Purchase & App Store

Is the application free of charge?

Downloading the application from the App Store is free, but you will only be able to create 15 items. This will allow you to try the application and see if it fits your needs.

When creating the 15th item, you will be given the opportunity to make an in-app purchase in order to remove this limit. If you decide to make this purchase, you will then be able to create as many items as you wish.

How can I become familiar with the application?

Installing the application will also create a group of ‘sample’ items, which is made up of some fictitious but realistic data.

You will then be able to browse all the views of the application, and edit data as you wish. You will quickly learn how to use the application and its possibilities.

Once you no longer need this sample group, you can, of course, delete it from the application.

How can I restore my In-App Purchase?

If you lose your in-app purchase because the app was accidentally deleted (or install it on another device), or if you had to restore your device without a backup, the application won’t recognize your first in-app purchase but you are able to unlock it again for free.

iOS: Select the Settings tab, tap the “Restore in-app purchase” button.

Mac: Select the Purchase menu, “Restore in-app purchase” option.

Important note: make sure that your device is connected to the iTunes account you used for the first in-app purchase.

Your in-app purchase will be restored, and you won’t be charged again.

You can restore your in-app purchase on up to 5 different iOS devices, using the same iTunes account. More information about restoring iOS in-app purchases at:

Possible errors when making in-app purchases:

Error messages: “In-app purchases are currently disabled.” or “There was an error purchasing this item, please try again.”

Check the following items:

  • iOS: in-app purchases are enabled (iOS Settings, General, Restrictions, In-app purchase)
  • your Internet connection is OK
  • you are properly connected to your iTunes or Google Play account (iOS: iOS Settings, iTunes Store and App Store, Apple ID, Android: Play Store, Settings, Account), and your credit card details are valid.
  • reboot your device and retry

if there seems to be nothing wrong with your iTunes account, contact the Apple Express Lane at:


Item groups

How are item groups managed?

The application enables you to take stock of your items, whether they are part of your business, personal or other stock.

By default, the application comes with two different groups of items:

  • the “Sample Group” group, that you can use to become familiar with the application before deleting it when you no longer need it
  • the “Group #1” group, that you can rename to suit your needs, and use to create your first items.

An item group allows you to put items into a coherent group. For example, objects from your house will belong to the “house” group, while you can use a “business stock” group for work-related items, etc.

Item groups are used as a filter in the application: you will only see the items, categories and places of storage related to the currently selected group.

You can create as many item groups as you wish.

How can I add a new item group?

Select the “Groups” tab.

iOS: the “Group” row indicates which item group is currently selected.

Tap on this row to display the whole list of item groups.

Mac:  the groups list is displayed

Hit the “+” button at the top right to add a new item group, then fill in its name and information if necessary:

  • currency (used for the price of related items)
  • units of size and weight (used for the dimensions and weight of related items)
  • next inventory date
  • last inventory date. If the next inventory date is populated, an alert will be triggered on that day at 9a.m. This alert can be disabled in the application settings.

How can I delete an item group?

Select the “Groups” tab.

iOS: the “Group” row indicates which item group is currently selected. Tap on this row to display the whole list of item groups. Hit the “Edit” button at the top right, then hit the red minus sign next to the group you want to delete, and finally hit the “Delete” button.

Mac: the groups list is displayed. Select (single click) the group you want to delete, tap the « – » button.

Confirm the deletion. The item group and the data it contains (items, categories, places of storage) are now deleted.

How can I select an item group?

Selecting an item group enables you to display only the items, categories and places of storage related to that particular group.

There are two ways of changing the currently selected group:

iOS: first, you can select the “Items” or “Overview” tab

  • Hitting the “Group” button at the top left will display the item group list.
  • Tap on a group to select it.

Or you can select the “Groups” tab.

  • The “Group” row indicates which item group is currently selected.
  • Hitting that row will display the item group list.
  • Tap on the box to the left of a group to check it, and thus select the corresponding group.

Mac: select (single click) the group you want to select in the Item Groups List (located at the upper/left part of the app main view).


How are items managed?

Hitting the “Items” tab will display the list of items in the selected group in alphabetical order.

iOS: you can change the currently selected item group using the “Group” button at the top left.

Mac: you can change the currently selected item group by selecting (single click) the group you want to select in the Item Groups List (located at the upper/left part of the app main view).

The search bar allows you to retrieve articles by entering a character string. The search will be performed on the following attributes: name, description, ID tag, category, supplier, place of storage, notes, Group properties.

Hitting an item row will display the detailed information for this particular item.

How can I add a new item?

Select the the “Items” tab.

Hit the “+” button at the top right to add a new item and enter its name.

iOS only: if necessary, you can use the “magnifying glass” button to select an existing item: the new item will be created with its name and description.

You may then enter the detailed information for the item (all attributes are optional):

  • category
  • description
  • ID tag, which may be a barcode or QR-code (see “How can I use a barcode reader?” section)
  • price
  • pictures (see “How can I manage the pictures of an item?” section)
  • notes, describing significant events in the item’s life (see “How can I manage the notes of an item?” section)
  • suppliers (see “How can I manage the suppliers of an item?” section)
  • unit of quantity (for example: kg, box, etc.)
  • stock shortage level (i.e. quantity below which the item is considered to be out of stock)
  • quantity of items in a place of storage (see “How can I manage the quantities of an item?” section)
  • weight and dimensions
  • relevant dates: last inventory date, expiry date, purchase date
  • Group properties values (if you added so)

To input a significant number of items from a list or another application into this application, we recommend that you use the CSV import function (see “How can I import items using a CSV file?” section).

If the expiry date is populated, an alert will be triggered on that day at 9a.m. This alert can be disabled in the application settings.

How can I add my own attributes to an item?

You are able to add group properties to all the items belonging to a group.

For example, you can add the “color” and “size” attributes to the items in the “Clothes” group.

Select the “Groups” tab then the item group you want to add group properties to, before hitting the “Item group properties” label.

To add a new attribute, hit the “+” button at the bottom right and enter its name. (up to 10 group properties per group)

To edit an attribute name, select it in the list and change its name.

To delete an attribute:

iOS: hit the “Edit” button at the top right, then hit the red minus sign next to the attribute you want to delete, and finally hit the “Delete” button.

 The group properties you manage here are then displayed on the detailed view of each item. You can thus use them to enter data about the selected item.

How can I delete an item?

Select the “Items” tab.

iOS: hit the “Edit” button at the top right, then hit the red minus sign next to the item you want to delete, and finally hit the “Delete” button.

Mac: select the item you want to delete, then hit the « – » button.

Confirm the deletion. The item and the data it contains (detailed information, pictures, notes) are now deleted.

iOS Version: how can I use the built-in barcode reader?

  1. The barcode reader featured in the application enables you to:Easily add its ID tag to an item: select the item, select the “ID tag” attribute and hit the “Scan” button. Place the item’s barcode in front of your iPhone’s camera: if the barcode is read correctly, it will be automatically assigned as the item’s ID tag.
  2. Easily retrieve an item using its barcode: select the “Overview” tab, and choose the “Barcode reader” section. Place the item’s barcode in front of your iPhone’s camera. If the barcode is read correctly, and if it is found to be the ID tag of an item in the current group, this item will be automatically selected and displayed.

 ID tags of places of storage can be managed likewise.

How can I manage the pictures of an item?

Select the item you want to display its properties (double clic the item in the item list).

iOS: then hit the “Pictures” label: the list of photographs currently associated to the item is displayed.

Mac: the list of photographs currently associated to the item is displayed in the right part of the item detailed view.

To add a picture :

iOS: hit the “+” button at the bottom right, then select the camera icon and take a picture, or select the library icon and choose one from your file system.

The photo is then added to the item’s picture list.

Mac: hit the “+” button at the bottom right, then select any image or PDF file from your file system. The photo is then added to the item’s picture list. You can also drag&drop any image/photo to the list of photos.

To delete a picture :

iOS: hit the “Edit” button at the top right, then hit the red minus sign next to the picture you want to delete, and finally hit the “Delete” button.

Mac: select (one click) the photo you want to delete, then hit the « – » button.

You can modify the order in which the pictures are displayed:

iOS: hit the “Edit” button at the top right, then drag and drop the icon located right next to the picture to move it along the list.

Mac: just drag&drop any picture to move it along the list.

iOS only: If you have at least two pictures in the list, you can activate the slideshow mode by hitting the “film” icon at the bottom left. Horizontal drag and drop then allows you to browse through the pictures.

How can I manage the notes of an item?

Notes allow you to describe significant events in an item’s life: purchase, repairs, alterations, lending, etc.

Select the item you want to display its properties (double clic the item in the item list).

iOS: hit the “Notes” label: the list of notes currently associated to the item is displayed in chronological order.

Mac: the list of notes currently associated to the item is displayed in reverse chronological order.

To add a note, hit the “+” button at the bottom right before specifying the title of the note. You can then enter a text for the note, as well as change the date by hitting the “Date” button. You can also link a picture to the note by hitting the “Picture” button.

The note is then added to the item’s note list.

To delete a note:

iOS: hit the “Edit” button at the top right, then hit the red minus sign next to the note you want to delete, and finally hit the “Delete” button.

Mac: select (one click) the note you want to delete, then hit the « – » button.

How can I manage the suppliers of an item?

You are able to keep track of the supplier(s) that can replenish your stock of items.

Select the item you want to display its properties (double clic the item in the item list).

iOS: then hit the “Suppliers” label: the list of suppliers currently associated to the item is displayed.

Mac: the list of suppliers currently associated to the item is displayed in alphabetical.

To add a supplier, hit the “+” button at the bottom right. This will display the supplier list related to this item group.

Select the supplier you want to add to the item.

iOS only: if necessary, you can hit the “+” button to create a new supplier.

To delete a supplier from the item:

iOS: hit the “Edit” button at the top right, then hit the red minus sign next to the supplier you want to delete from the item, and finally hit the “Delete” button.

Mac: select (one click) the supplier you want to delete from the item, then hit the « – » button.

To associate a purchase price to the item for a given supplier, simply select the supplier in the list and enter the price.

iOS only: you can modify the order in which the suppliers are displayed: hit the “Edit” button at the top right, then drag and drop the icon located right next to the supplier to move it along the list.

How can I manage the quantities of an item?

The application allows precise management of the quantity of each item: for example, you can keep track of different quantities for a specific item in different places of storage.

When the item is created, its “default” quantity is set to 1. You should use the “default” quantity if you don’t want to specify a particular place of storage for the item.

However, if all your item stock is accounted for in the specified places of storage, you should set the “default” quantity to 0.

To modify the quantity or add quantities to places of storage, select the item, then the “Default” label under the “Quantity” tab. The list of quantities for the item is then displayed.

To add a new place of storage for the item, hit the “+” button at the bottom right. This will display the places of storage available for the item group.

Select the place of storage you want to add.

iOS only: if necessary, you can hit the “+” button to create a new place of storage.

To delete a place of storage from the item:

iOS: hit the “Edit” button at the top right, then hit the red minus sign next to the place of storage you want to delete from the item, and finally hit the “Delete” button.

Mac: select (one click) the place of storage you want to delete from the item, then hit the « – » button.

To modify the quantity, use the “+” and “-” buttons or use the keyboard to populate the “Quantity” field. Quantities can be decimal, like 12.34 for example.

iOS only: you can modify the order in which the places of storage are displayed: hit the “Edit” button at the top right, then drag and drop the icon located to the right of the place of storage to move it along the list.

The “History” view displays the changes you make to the item stock over time (Stock Movements).

How can I manage item loans?

You can register the lending of an item to a third party by:

  • creating a place of storage for this person and adding the word “loan” in front of his/her name (for example “loan John Doe”) and associate the relevant item quantity to this place of storage
  • reducing the item quantity accordingly.

Once the item is returned, you can delete the temporary place of storage and reassign the item quantity as needed.

If you need to consult all the items that are currently lent, select the “Overview” tab and perform a text search using the “loan” prefix: you will then retrieve all the relevant places of storage and the corresponding items.


iOS Version: how can I use the “Groups” tab?

The “Groups” tab enables you to define the basic elements that will be used for all items belonging to the same group:

  • categories
  • places of storage
  • suppliers

How can I add or delete common elements?

To add a category, place of storage or supplier :

iOS: select the corresponding element to display the relevant list. Hit the “+” button to create a new element.

Mac: select the corresponding tab to display the relevant list. Hit the “+” button to create a new element.

To delete a category, place of storage or supplier:

iOS: select the corresponding element to display the relevant list. Hit the “Edit” button at the top right, then hit the red minus sign next to the element you want to delete, and finally hit the “Delete” button.

Mac: select the corresponding tab to display the relevant list. select (one click) the element you want to delete, then hit the « – » button.

Deleting an element will not trigger the deletion of related items.

You can define a hierarchy for categories and places of storage: an element can be part of another (for example, a parent category can contain several sub-categories).

Select the element you want to include and hit the “Parent category” or “Parent place of storage” (depending on whether you are editing a category or a place of storage) and choose the parent element in the list.

You are able to associate an ID tag, which may be a barcode or QR-code (see “How can I use a barcode reader?” section), with each place of storage.

Overview and Reports

iOS Version: how does the “Overview” tab works?

The “Overview” tab gives you access to several functions:

  • Retrieve and visualize information about the current item group
  • global text search, allowing you to find items, categories, places of storage and suppliers
  • barcode reader (iPhone only), enabling you to retrieve items and places of storage
  • item picture slideshows
  • statistical overview
  • Access different item lists based on specific criteria:
    • monitor quantities: shortage of items, or items with a quantity of 0
    • manage deadlines: items nearing their expiry date or next inventory date
    • list items by date or price
    • list items without category, place of storage or suppliers, etc.
  • Export items as PDF or CSV (spreadsheet program) files. The generated PDF files can be sent by e-mail or printed using Airprint.

Mac Version: how does the “Overview & Reports” feature works?

Just tap the « Overview & Reports » button located in the left/bottom frame of the app main view to access all the app lists / PDF reports / CSV exports.


Importing an item list using a CSV file

How can I import items in CSV format?

To input a significant number of items from a list or another application into this application, we recommend that you use the CSV import function.

This allows you to easily create item lists in the application.

  • Note: a CSV file model can be obtained by exporting items using the “Export CSV file” function :
  • iOS:  “Overview” tab, or in the “Database management” section under the “Settings” tab.
  • Mac: Menu > Database > Items : Export as CSV File.


Your CSV file can be of two types:

  • USA/UK CSV file: the decimal separator is a period and the field separator is a comma
  • other countries CSV file: the decimal separator is a comma and the field separator is a semicolon


1. Create a “*.csv” file with one row for each item, formatted as follows (47 different columns):

  • item group name (mandatory)
  • item name (mandatory)
  • category name
  • item description
  • item ID tag
  • price
  • weight
  • width
  • length
  • height
  • last inventory date (YYYYMMDD format)
  • expiry date (YYYYMMDD format)
  • purchase date (YYYYMMDD format)
  • unit of quantity
  • stock shortage level
  • default quantity
  • 1st place of storage name
  • 1st place of storage quantity
  • 2nd place of storage name
  • 2nd place of storage quantity
  • 3rd place of storage name
  • 3rd place of storage quantity
  • 4th place of storage name
  • 4th place of storage quantity
  • 5th place of storage name
  • 5th place of storage quantity
  • 1st supplier name
  • 1st supplier price
  • 2nd supplier name
  • 2nd supplier price
  • 3rd supplier name
  • 3rd supplier price
  • 4th supplier name
  • 4th supplier price
  • 5th supplier name
  • 5th supplier price
  • 1st group property value
  • 2nd group property value
  • 3rd group property value
  • 4th group property value
  • 5th group property value
  • 6th group property value
  • 7th group property value
  • 8th group property value
  • 9th group property value
  • 10th group property value
  • margin quantity

Example of a valid CSV file with a few items: EN Items List Import.csv

iOS: You have two options to transfer your CSV file to the app:

a) Email Transfer:

 2. Send an email to your device (attach the CSV file to the email)

 3. On your device, launch the Mail app, open the email, touch and hold the attached CSV file

 4. Select the option “Open in Stock Control”

 5. If errors are detected in your file, an information message will be displayed and the application won’t run. You will have to correct your file and re-import it.

b) iTunes File Sharing Transfer:

 2. Connect your device to iTunes on your computer

 3. In iTunes, select your target device (below Devices), and click on the “Apps” tab

 4. Below File Sharing, in the list on the left, select the application

 5. Click on “Add” in the list of shared documents

 6. In the displayed window, select the “*.csv” file you created in step 1 (see above)

 7. The file is transferred to your device

 8. On your target device, select Settings, Database Management

 9. Select “Import a CSV File”

 10. Select the file you want to import and hit the “Import file” button

 11. If errors are detected in your file, an information message will be displayed and the application won’t run. You will have to correct your file and re-import it.



  • launch the Stock Control App on your Mac, select Menu > Database > Items : CSV File Import
  • select the CSV file you want to import, click the Open button
  • If errors are detected in your file, an information message will be displayed and the application won’t run. You will have to correct your file and re-import it.


Important notes:

If you try to import an item whose name already exists in your database, the former item will be replaced with the imported one.

In your CSV file, if the place of storage name already exists, it won’t be modified. If it doesn’t, it will be automatically created.

In your CSV file, if the category name already exists, it won’t be modified. If it doesn’t, it will be automatically created.

iOS & Mac: saving and transferring data to another device

iOS: How can I save the application data?

Application data backup is a built-in feature of your iPhone-iPad and iTunes, as long as you regularly synchronize your device with iTunes on your PC or Mac.

At the beginning of the syncing process, iTunes saves the following data from your device:

  • Contacts and Contact favorites
  • App Store Application data
  • Application settings, preferences and data
  • Music, videos, photos, etc.

When you change your device, or even with your current device, you are able to restore that backup with iTunes. You will thus be able to retrieve all the data and content saved during the last syncing.

For more information about backup saving and restoring, please visit:

You can also use the “iTunes Database export” feature (see below) to run an individual backup of your application data. Be careful to properly save the “Database_Export.db” file on your PC or Mac.

Mac: How can I save the application data?

We recommend you to backup your app data frequently.

You can do so using the Menu Database > Export Database to File option. You can then save your database file on any support (your Mac, an USB key, etc).

You will thus be able to restore your app data using the Menu Database > Import Database from File option.

iCloud: How can I transfer my application database to another device?

With a valid iCloud account, you can export your application database from your device to another device (iPhone, iPad or Mac) using the same iCloud account.

A) From your source device (device A):

  • iOS:
    1. Select the Settings tab, Database Management, Import Export.
    2. Select “iCloud – Export Database”.
  • Mac:
    1. Menu “Database – Export Database to iCloud”

B) From your target device (device B):

  • iOS:
    1. Select the Settings tab, Database Management, Import Export.
    2. Select “iCloud – Import Database”. Check that the date and time correspond to the file you exported from device A.
    3. Just confirm the import by clicking on “Yes/OK” in order to replace the former database of device B by the one just transferred from device A.
  • Mac:
    1. Menu “Database – Import Database from iCloud”.
    2. Just confirm the import by clicking on “Yes/OK” in order to replace the former database of device B by the one just transferred from device A.

Once finished, device B contains exactly the same app data as device A.

Note 1: iCloud sync may take several minutes to complete, especially when data size is large and Internet connection, slow.

Note 2: if you have just installed and launched the app on device B, you are advised to wait a few minutes for the app to sync with iCloud, before exporting your data from device A.

File Transfer: How can I transfer my database to another device?

This process will allow you to export your application database from one device (iPhone, iPad, Mac) to another device (iPhone, iPad, Mac).

A.1) From your iOS source device (device A):

  1. select the Settings tab, Database Management, iTunes File Sharing
  2. select “iTunes File Sharing / Export Database”
  3. connect your source device to your computer
  4. in iTunes, select the device (below Devices), and click on the “Apps” button.
  5. below “File Sharing” from the list on the left, select the application
  6. from the list on the right, select the “Database_Export.db” file and click on “Save to”.
  7. in the window that appears, select the destination where you want to save the file, and click Choose.

A.2) From your Mac source device (device A):

  1. Menu Database > Export Database to File
  2. Save this file on any support (your Mac, an USB key, etc).

B.1) To your iOS target device (device B):

  1. connect your device to your computer
  2. in iTunes, select your target device (below Devices), and click the “Apps” button.
  3. Below File Sharing, in the list on the left, select the application
  4. Click on ‘Add’ in the list on the right
  5. in the window that appears, select the the “Database_Export.db” file you saved in step A.6 (see above).
  6. the file is transferred to your device.
  7. on your target device, select the Settings tab, Database Management, iTunes File Sharing
  8. select “iTunes File Sharing / Import Database”
  9. Just confirm the import by clicking on “Yes” in order to replace the former database by the one just transferred.

B.2) To your Mac target device (device B):

  1. Menu Database > Import Database from File
  2. Select the file you exported from your source device (see below, step A1-6 or A2-2), and validate the import

Once finished, device B contains exactly the same data as device A.

Note 1: the Export feature can be used to back up your app database: in this case, select the ‘Database_Export.db’ file in iTunes (iOS) or from your Mac, and click on ‘Save to’ to back it up on the chosen support (hard disk, USB storage, etc.).

Note 2: another way to back up your device is to Sync it with iTunes (iOS only).